CD 1, Track 7
Traditional folk song
arr. Joaquín Nim
Eu coa miña monteira e c'o meu saio de lan
voume en cas d'o señor cura coa aguillada na man.
si chove, deixa chover, si orballa deixa orballar,
qu'eu ben sei d'un abriguiño onde m'ei d'ir a abrigar.
A doutrina cristiana, señor cura, non a sei;
pergúnteme cantiguelas que eu lle responderei.
Chámanme moreniña éche d'o polvo d'a eira
xa me verás pra domingo como a guinda n'a guindeira.
I, with my mountain hat and woollen dress
and my goad in hand, to the presbytery I go.
And what do I care if it rain or it drizzle,
for I know of a little shelter where to shelter.
Of Christian doctrine, Sir Parson, I know nothing,
but ask me for verses and I'll say them pat.
They call me "little brownie" from the dust of the threshing,
but come Sunday you'll see me as bright as a cherry on the cherry-tree.
Sung in Galician
Marston Records - The Complete Conchita Supervia vol. 4 Tracks List